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really depends on how much you can catch in that amount of time.

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Q: How many swordfish can you cook in one hour runescape?
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How many tuna starting from level 80 cooking does it take to get 99 cooking in Runescape?

It is best to use an online RuneScape skill calculator for these questions. That way, you can quickly try out different target levels, and different types of fish. In any case, assuming you are a non-member, I strongly suggest you use swordfish instead. Even with swordfish, it will only cost you a few million coins - and cooking tuna will take quite a bit longer.

How many skills are in RuneScape?

there are 23 skills in runescape

How many runescapes have there been?

two. Runescape Classic, and the current version of runescape.

How many years has RuneScape been around?

Runescape has been around for 8 years the latest. It was made in 2001. Runescape 2 was made in 2004 and Runescape HD was made in 2008. Happy to help!

How many xp do you need to get to attack level 70 on runescape?

from lvl 1-70 attack you need 737,627xp You can quickly find out the amount of experience you still need, by using a fairly new feature: the feature to set an objective. Just set the objective to "attack 70", and you will see how much experience you still need. There are also several online RuneScape skill calculators; personally I use The advantage of a skill calculator is that it not only tells you how much experience you need, but also how much of this or that - for example, how many swordfish you have to cook to achieve a certain level of cooking. Alas, this particular calculator doesn't work with attack skills - and if any online calculator does, it will only be an approximation, since the amount of damage per strike varies.

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How many raw swordfish would it take to get 100k on runescape?


How many raw sword fish does it take to get 1mil dollars in runescape?

u dont get dollars in runescape u get gold pieces it would take 2000 swordfish to get 1,000,000gp(gold pieces) because each swordfish sells for 500gp if cooked and 2000X500=1mil

How many bolts can be made an hour in runescape?

you can make about 2000 in one hour

How much money will it cost from 81-99 cook in runescape?

Only a few millions - less than 10 million, if I remember correctly. The exact details depend on what you are willing to cook. For example, for non-members, swordfish gives you the fastest experience, but it is also the most expensive. Go to a skill calculator, for example the one at, and see how many swordfish (or other fish) you require. Then check the prices at the Grand Exchange. Basically you need to calculate (price of cooked swordfish minus price of raw swordfish) times (number of units), or the same for other fish - but if you burn too many swordfish, it will be more expensive, and in fact you get less experience, so you may want to switch to cooking a lower-level food until you increase your level.

How Many Swordfish To Get 1 Million Gp On Runescape?

With the current market price at 381 gp, you would be able to buy approximately 2624 uncooked swordfish, or 2785 cooked swordfish. With the free trade update coming very soon, however, you might be able to get more for your money.

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How many trout starting at lvl 63 cooking does it take to get 99 cooking in runescape?

it would take 180,937 trout bear in mind you can only cook about 1000 fish per hour

How many calories in swordfish?

130 Calories per 3 oz. See other areas if you use butter or don't cook dry.

Where do you catch swordfish on runescape any other places then karamja?

The only place free players can catch swordfish is Karamja. However, if your a paying member yo can also catch swordfish from many sea Fishing locations, such as the Fishing Guild, Catherby, Rellekka, Elf Camp, Fishing Platform (after completion of the Sea Slug quest) and Brimhaven.

How many teeth does a swordfish have it its mouth?

Swordfish has no teeth!

How many trout starting from level 60 cooking does it take to get 99 cooking in runescape?

Thousands upon thousands. You're better off cooking swordfish---it'd take fewer of those.

How many tuna starting from level 80 cooking does it take to get 99 cooking in Runescape?

It is best to use an online RuneScape skill calculator for these questions. That way, you can quickly try out different target levels, and different types of fish. In any case, assuming you are a non-member, I strongly suggest you use swordfish instead. Even with swordfish, it will only cost you a few million coins - and cooking tuna will take quite a bit longer.