The best monster to kill in Runescape would be the King Black Dragon.
Mithril Dragons - Dragon Full Helmet Dragon sq - you best get off g.e it is the cheapest way and only way after legends. Dragon platelegs/skirt - Bronze & Steel Dragons Dragon Chainbody - Dust Devils/Kalphite Queen/Barbarian Assault minigame v-rare reward. Giant mole-Very rare dragon med and spear Flesh crawlers- Rumored to drop meds and spears
dragon armor and weapons,dragon is the best besides special items.
Dragon Dagger, Dragon Battle Axe, Dragon Longsword, Dragon Halberd ----------------- Mainly out of those, Dragon Dagger P++ and Dragon Battle Axe are best. EDIT. dragon claws are better.
There is no "best" auto for runescape. They are all illegal (in the real world) and are against the rules.
it depends, they all have different strengths and weaknesses. the best for F2p players is corrupt dragon platelegs. they have the same stat points as real dragon, but it degrades in 30 minutes. they also cost alot, so you should get rune plates. for members, i would say the torag platelegs if your not looking to spend alot of money, because they are the cheapest, and still have the same stats as the other 5 brother's armor. But if you have alot of money i would strongly suggest 3rd age melee platelegs.
Probably Platelegs, but I'm not 100% sure.
Dragon arrows
The best monster to kill in Runescape would be the King Black Dragon.
I suggest a full helm, body, platelegs, gauntlets, and boots of the best metal possible with a longsword and kiteshield.
Mithril Dragons - Dragon Full Helmet Dragon sq - you best get off g.e it is the cheapest way and only way after legends. Dragon platelegs/skirt - Bronze & Steel Dragons Dragon Chainbody - Dust Devils/Kalphite Queen/Barbarian Assault minigame v-rare reward. Giant mole-Very rare dragon med and spear Flesh crawlers- Rumored to drop meds and spears
dragon armor and weapons,dragon is the best besides special items.
The best meele armor is full torva (torva full helm platebody platelegs) amulet of fury completionist cape onyx ring (i) Chaotic kiteshield lucky cutlass dragon gaunts from F.o.g(charged) bandos boots. this is best stab defence there is no armor that is the best for range mage and meele defence
Dragon claws
The most expensive drop you can get on runescape is the corrupt dragon battleaxe at 3.9m
Dragon Boots, defence and Strength bonus wise.
Frost Dragon Bones