Probably Iron Island. The Pokemon match your Pokemon, they give pretty good experience and boy, are they weak to certain types! But if one thing: Beware of Steelix! These can really ruin your day! Then again, Golbats arn't much better too...
probly at the pokemon leuge
The best place to train a lv 30 fire type in Pokemon diamond would be next to snow point city because there are lv 30 Pokemon there that ice and grass but run away from the sneasel.
route 205 for Pokemon diamond, pearl and platinum. the trainers have Pokemon from level 10 to level 17
Mt. Silver or the Pokemon league
Some people will argue with me but i think the best place to train is at the Pokemon lugue you can battle them over and over again
probly at the pokemon leuge
The best place to train a lv 30 fire type in Pokemon diamond would be next to snow point city because there are lv 30 Pokemon there that ice and grass but run away from the sneasel.
route 205 for Pokemon diamond, pearl and platinum. the trainers have Pokemon from level 10 to level 17
go to the resort area and find a syther to battle and it will level your Pokemon about 615 points ________________________________________________________________________________________________ What about before the Pokemon league?
Train it.
find a place that has wild Pokemon the same level as it.
elite 4
An area with grass Pokemon would be best.
the elite four. battle them over and over again or go to Iron Island. It might help!
sky piller
Mt. Silver or the Pokemon league