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you can get ultra balls in a store after you beaten 4 gym leaders

Different person edit - no, you can't actually. I'm playing the game right now, and I've beaten 6 gyms, and I still can't get ultra balls. So there. ;P anyway, I believe the first time you can get ultra balls is on Cinnebar island. I think.
you buy them in a pokemart in cinnabar island for 1200 dollars a ball

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Q: On Pokemon LeafGreen how to get ultra balls?
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What Pokemon are in seafoam island on Pokemon LeafGreen?

there are seel and articuno lv 50 come stocked with ultra balls

What do you need to get Articuno Pokemon LeafGreen?

Lots of ultra balls to catch it, a Pokemon around level 50, Pokemon that know surf and strength.

How do you catch Articuno on pokemon leafgreen?

Weaken it to red HP, paralyze it or make it sleep then use many ultra balls.

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You need to beat the Pokemon league. Prephare to face the leagendary Pokemon mewtwo in that cave. I recommend ultra balls.

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What is the cheat for ultra balls for Pokemon LeafGreen?

[M] Must Be On 0000295F000A 101DC9D40007 830050000000 830050020000 Have all PokeBalls 420259D80001 0001000C0004 420259DA5212 0000000C0004

On Pokemon leafgreen is there an easier way to catch moltres?

The only way I can suggest is to paralyze it and get its HP down to red and then just keep throwing ultra balls (its possible with great balls but quicker with ultra balls) at it. Of course you could use your master ball but you should save that for mewtwo.

Catch rare Pokemon easily LeafGreen?

Use master balls. Use a ton of ultra balls and put them to sleep or paralyze but master balls are your best bet since leaf green is harder than its original counterpart

Where can you buy ultra balls Pokemon silver?

Usually ultra balls are sold in the later cities try blackthorn city or the Pokemon league.

Easy way to catch Zapdos in Pokemon LeafGreen?

Either use a masterball(not recommended) or use status effect like sleep or paralysis and LOTS of ultra balls

Where do you get ultra balls on Pokemon FireRed?

In a shop

How do you turn ultra balls into master balls in Pokemon diomand?

You Can't