No, the Sony PSP cannot connect with the Nintendo Wii
This means that there Isn't a connection point to connect to Nintendo wfc with, you need some sort of internet connection point to connect your ds to either wirelessly or with some sort of cable, without one of these, you cannot connect your ds to wi-fi Hi,, and I'm here to say that actually if you need a location... can show you where you live, the closest place to access wifi. Hope you enjoy!!
No,it cannot be played on the nintendo DS. Skylanders can be played on the nintendo 3DS.
The PSP Street, 'E1000' has no wi-fi capabilities. There's just no wireless hardware inside it. So you cannot get the internet on it. But you can connect it to a PC and use Sony's Media GO program to connect to the PSN, purchase games and send them to the PSP.
No you cannot
No, the Nintendo Wii Mini cannot connect to the internet
No it doesnt , If you have WIFI it is free but if you have a dongle USB you cannot connect at all.
No, you cannot. You can use your wireless internet network to connect the Wii U to the internet.
I cannot connect to the internet even with Wi Fi...what to do ?
No, the Sony PSP cannot connect with the Nintendo Wii
No game boys do not have wi-fi. you need a cord to plug in it.
You cannot connect the Nintendo DS to the Mii channel
The PlayStation 1 cannot connect to the Internet/Computer.
Yes and No. No, you cannot surf the web as you would with a normal web browser, and Yes, it will connect to the internet with Wi-Fi capable games.
No you cannot
No, you cannot get Nintendo events for emulators. The emulators do not have the feature to connect by link or by Wi-Fi.
You can get it in one of two ways. You can either get a Nintendo Wireless adaptor, which only works for the DSIand Wii, OR you can buy a wireless router for ANYTHING that can use the internet. THEN you go onto settings, go to the internet option (some games do this on the startup menu) and search for your chosen wireless adaptor. Then you do the fiddly bits (it changes for each type), then you can connect to the internet! You cannot get it on a regular Nintendo Ds!!!(well you can try)