

Best Answer

What you have to do is in any map, find an unknown value (64-bit), evenwhen the wheather changes. The value changes all the time!!!

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Q: Night pr codes for patapon 2?
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What is better Patapon or patapon 2?

Patapon 2 is WAY better!

Do you have the game patapon?

Yes! I have Patapon and Patapon 2 Full Versions!

How do you download patapon 2?

Visit then search for patapon 2, this is how the file will look like Patapon 2 (USA) ------------------- | | | Pic of | | Patapon 2 | | | ------------------- Click on the name, then it will start downloading

What is that weird green patapon on the cover of patapon 2?

That it a hero mask on the hero patapon.

When is patapon 2 in stores?

Patapon 2 is in stores in may 05, 2009

When does patapon 1 come out?

Patapon 1 and 2 are already out.

Is there patapon 2 for Nintendo DS?


Different of Patapon 2 and patapon 2-don chaka?

There is no difference. Don Chaka is just a sub title in some releases.

Is there going to e a patapon 4?

yes. Because every patapon has one story.patapon 2 and 3 was cobined together but patapon 1 was only one so it didn't cobine.There is a 98% that there will be patapon 4 and also 5.

Can you make 2 saved games in patapon 2?


How do you finish patapole in patapon 2?

get shurabayapon first

Is patapon 2 out in north America now?
