for family fued: cry, curse, talk back, lie, break somthing, tantrum, fight with sibling
i dont think so but murloc 2 might be edited or somthing i have seen it in but it just a joke
When the child is a toddler Type ageuptonpc in the cheat box and when they are a child they will be a npc in the household so they might be a paperboy but you can't select them
Rascal might be the word you are looking for.
Well you need to know the password for the child account then the person will need to make a parent account then when you have the password and you know how to make a parent account you can but beware a kid might not like it.
If gooder is a word its not an english one, because it is not in the english or websters dictionary, however if you have a specific language other then english which you think it might be you might want to put that on here and I will certainly check into it for you.
a balloon.
name somthing you might measure in litres
he meaning of shloom is Where something enter Something Into something that can cause somthing that is bad to your Something that might cause to something you dont want... DEMSTER
cry, curse, scream, talk back, break something, lie, fight with siblings
i think that you should go out with them for some bonding do activities with both(you should find somthing he/she might want to do
it might be a bent piton rod if you or water or somthing into the engine
they might be afraid of falling in get them a lil training seat or somthing show them there it not that bad
Its sort of about telling people it isn't good to steal stuff from other people cause u might get caught or somthing else might happen
You: Did it hurt? Her:(Somthing like) What? Huh? You: when you fell from heaven? Cheesy, i kno, but she might say no, cause you were there to catch me
i have done reserch on that and it looks like the best possible answer is that it might be somthing ut eat posibley a bug or grass
A Scarf?