When the child is a toddler Type ageuptonpc in the cheat box and when they are a child they will be a npc in the household so they might be a paperboy but you can't select them
How can I have boy girl twins on the sims 3 pets ps3
u cant have children on sims three
Only the baby can grow up. Which is 3 days. The boy or girl Sim(child sim) can't grow up.
Not on The Sims 1, on The Sims 2 you can. on sims 3 you can this is how:>go to a sims inventory < click the phone icon>click call for services>it will say adopt>click adopt>the window will close nothing will happen> try to keep your sim outside>once the social worker arives a window will pop up it says baby,toddler and child>once one is clicked it will say boy or girl>once one is clicked it will say name it>write the name>the child,baby or toddler will be brougt inside and watever sims inventory it was that would be the mother or father of that baby,child or toddler.hope this helps.Bye. :D.
She does not have any children at the time. So the answer is NO she doesnt have a boy or a girl.
Well for the sims 2 pc...... You have to save right before you think she/he might have the child Then if you get the gender you dont want you go to the neighborhood withour saving and you keep doing that until you get the child you want
No you can't pick the gender of your Sims children, you get whatever the game decides to give you.
no, impossible and impossible only on computer
make the Sims relax in the bed then if your playing the girl click on the boy make sure they are laying down and talking.
Well, Sims 2 and sims 3 it's a boy and a girl game. it is really cool.
No, I don't think there is.
Well, honey, it really depends on the area and the paper route. On average, a paperboy can make anywhere from $30 to $100 a week. But let's be real, it's not exactly a get-rich-quick scheme.
The maid should tell you...
On the Sims 1 you have to kiss 10 times. On the Sims 2 and 3 you need a boy and Sim and a girl Sim "Relax" and bed. Then what I do is make them cuddle, then kiss, then makeout, then pick "Try for Baby."
How can I have boy girl twins on the sims 3 pets ps3
it means he was a paper boy it means he was a paper boy
1st a buy a dog house and make sure you have 1 girl 1 boy and then put them in the dog house