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Shower Cap


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Q: Name something you wear indoors but not out?
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How would you use indoors in a sentence?

"I wear my fuzzy socks indoors"

Name something you wear when its hot?


Name something that you wear that starts with the letter N?

you could wear a necktie

If the temperature is 39 degees celsius you are most likely to want to wear?

That's over one hundred degrees Fahrenheit. Wear something light. Better yet, stay indoors near the air conditioner.

Is it safe to do it indoors?

Maybe, but you should always wear a hood.

Name something you wear that starts with an M?


Name something you wear beginning with i?

· Izod Shirt

Name something you wear that might be plaid?

Yes, of course you can wear plaid.

Why do ambulance drivers wear their backwards?

Why do they wear their what backwards? We don't wear anything backwards to my knowledge. May be sunglasses when I'm indoors.

What did Greeks find to be most offensive to there gods?

wear sandals indoors

What is the name of something people wear that begins with V?


Can you name something you wear that begins with a k?

Khakis. Kilt.