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Q: Name something a rockstar and a superhero both wear?
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Who is the creator of Grand Theft Auto?

Rockstar and Rockstar North both develop the Grand Theft Auto series so I guess that they will be the creators.

Why can't RockStar just Remove hackers and not the money?

RockStar removes both hackers and the money because it was gained in an illegal manner, an action that is not allowed.

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Both are developed by Rockstar Games.

List of celebs that Hannah Montana has sang with?

best of both worlds, rockstar

Is Hercules a superhero and why?

"Superhero" is a relatively recent coinage. The ancient Greeks considered the mythological Herakles both a hero and a demigod, but didn't really have a word for "superhero". Both DC and Marvel have a character named "Hercules." Both of them would probably qualify (the DC one was apparently at least somewhat villainous in his backstory, but had reformed by the time stories about him started).

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Who would the first superhero to be published by both DC and Marvel Comics?

Captain America

What is the first song on miley cyrus's best of both worlds concerts?

the 1st sng Miley sang at her Best of Both worldsss concert was Rockstar

Who is your favorite marvel superhero?

Wolverine from Marvel and Batman from DC for me

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Is Danger Mouse a hero?

The cartoon character Danger Mouse is both a secret-agent & superhero .

What song did Hannah Montana sing when she first become a rockstar?

Hannah sang "The best of both worlds"as her first song.