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Most LEDC countries dont have medication, education, shelter and most importantly clean, fresh water. (:

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Q: Name some problems LEDC countries have?
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Can you name some LEDC countries?

Africa is a LEDC (LEDC meaning Less Economically Developed Country). Some more LEDC's would be Kenya, Congo, Chad, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Madagascar and Nepal.

Why do some countries use child soldiers?

Unethical countries, where people have no moral boundaries. Usually in LEDC's.

Is India an LDC or an Mdc?

India is a LEDC (Less Economically Developed Country). It has many economic development problems. Some of those problems are similar to the problems of Brazil and Kenya. Those problems: Low life expectancy, High-birth rates etc

Is Africa an LEDC or a MEDC?

In response to the other persons answer: * Africa is a continent, but yes, the countries in Africa are all LEDCs.

Is Mozambique a medc or a ledc country?

LEDC stands for Least Developed Country. Zimbabwe is the fifteenth least developed country in the world and is located in Africa. Most of Africa is underdeveloped because the continent has only had self-governing countries since about the 1960s. Prior to the 60s, European countries controlled practically the entire continent of Africa (with the exception of Liberia and Ethiopia). Here, they helped hinder the development of many of these lands during a period of Social Darwinism, where Europeans believed they were superior. Zimbabwe has fell victim to this. However, Zimbabwe has also experienced decades of internal problems, such as economic and political problems, such as hyperinflation. Zimbabwe has also been headed by an immensely racist dictator (that some dare to compare to Hitler) since 1987.

What are the problems of a LEDC CBD?

Some common problems in LEDC central business districts (CBDs) include congestion due to lack of adequate infrastructure, informal economic activities leading to overcrowding, limited access to basic services like sanitation and clean water, and challenges with urban planning and regulations.

Is Venezuela a MEDC a LEDC?

Chile is an LEDC. It is one of the two (Chile and Singapore) LEDCs in the Southern hemisphere. Australia? New Zeland? By the way i think that chille is a LEDC, although it has some built-up towns, similar to brazil.

Why do some LEDC's rely on other LEDC's to make fairtarde work and develop?

Because it's GAY

Is Oceania an LEDC?

No, only some parts of it are. But the two main ones Australia and New Zealand are MEDC but Tuvavu for example is a LEDC.

Which countries have floods problems?

china,america,indonesia, low sea level countries

What problems did military dictators cause in some african countries?

they cause technology problems

Is Indonesia an LEDC or an MEDC?

Oh, dude, Indonesia is considered a developing country, so it's technically classified as a Less Economically Developed Country (LEDC). But, like, don't stress too much about the labels, man. Just know that Indonesia has some awesome beaches and delicious food, so it's all good.