The edge of the pavement near the road is called the "curb" in the US and the "kerb" in the UK.
They are spelled differently but they are pronounced the same.
The move Double Edge isn't available as a TM in Pokemon Leafgreen. Instead, head to the very end of Victory Road and talk to the person near the exit - he will tell you that you've worked very hard and you deserve to have one of your Pokemon learn Double Edge. It works just like a TM, but you can't carry it around with you - it's an in-game thing.
tm71 stone edge is in the victory road i thought it was in the bcycle road but its in the VICTORY ROAD near the Pokemon league and its at the first time u go up stairs before u battle a old man u will have to go through the rocks and pass him after that u go down stair and u come back up the u push the top rock down and then take a left then ur on ur own from there and make shure u have an ESCAPE ROPE WITH U.good luck
near the exit at the top
trainers somewhere i think its near victory road
Near to the end of the cave of Victory Road.
The edge of pavement is often referred to as the shoulder of the road. This area typically runs along the side of the pavement and provides a buffer between the road surface and surrounding terrain.
on the wrong side of the road
A Lane near Arles - Landscape with Edge of a Road - was created in 1888.
It is used to aid Blind people so they can feel when they are approaching a road crossing and when to take extra precaution
In the UK we call the US sidewalk the 'pavement' and what the US calls the pavement (the paved area) is called the 'road' in the UK. However in both cultures I believe the edge of the pavement is called the curb. This may be just an end of the paved area or may be demarcated by a set of curb stones which raise the sidewalk above the height of the road surface.
The road surface ahead changes from a hard-surfaced pavement to a low-type surface or earth road.
Take your foot off the accelerator, and slowly move back on the road. Do not jerk the wheel or apply the brakes.
Yes, by using TM71 stone edge. You can find it in victory road near the north part.
to put new pavement
You can walk your horse on the pavement, it will not hurt it. Even if your horse does not wear shoes they can be safely walked on pavement. Just be careful that the horse does not slip if the pavement is wet or slippery and its not a good idea to trot or canter on pavement for very long of a distance.
Because pavement is smoother.
It is a pimped out 4X4 vehicle that is all about vanity and appearance. It will never leave the pavement. It is owned by an off-road poseur.