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3 types of tropical fruits

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Q: Name of a 3 letter tropical fruit?
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A fig

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What is a 3 letter fruit or vegetable?

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Where do pineapples potatoes come from?

Pineapples are the fruit of a tropical plant that grows to be about 3 to 5 feet tall. Potatoes are a vegetable that grows under the ground.

Hurricane formation from weakest to strongest?

A hurricane will start as a Tropical Wave. It then becomes a Tropical Depression. A TD is given a number but not a name. Once the TD reaches 39 mile per hour winds its given a name and becomes a Tropical Storm. After reaching 74 mile per hour winds it becomes a hurricane.

Cat is to Dog as Peach is to?

Cat is to Dog (3-letter animal names) as Peach is to Apple (5-letter fruit names).

What 3 letter name is given to a mountain pass?

The 3-letter name given to a mountain pass is "Col."

Fruit that starts with the letter x?

the only fruit i know of that starts with the letter x is xigua which is chinese for watermelon. Glad i could help! :) <3

3 letter fruit?

Fruits with three syllables are:ApricotBananaBlackberryBlackcurrantBlueberryClementineDragonfruitGooseberryMandarineCantaloupeNectarinePineappleRaspberrySatsumaStrawberryTangerine

What is fruit have same name fish?

no A fish is an animal and fruits are plants.yes we do im amin the 3 grade and i study it no there is not a fish is not a fruit there you go missy