Satsuma, Apricot....Thats all I can come up with for now :D
3 types of tropical fruits
Another 3 letter word for respect is awe.
3 letter word for old oldsmobile
A fig
Satsuma, Apricot....Thats all I can come up with for now :D
Ah, what a lovely question. The word you're looking for is "daub." It's like adding a little touch of honey to your painting, creating a beautiful texture. Just gently daub the sticky substance and watch your art come to life.
Fruits with three syllables are:ApricotBananaBlackberryBlackcurrantBlueberryClementineDragonfruitGooseberryMandarineCantaloupeNectarinePineappleRaspberrySatsumaStrawberryTangerine
Ade. Used in context, you might write strawberryade, limeade, lemonade and so forth.
· jalapeno pepper
Pie = Die, Fly, Cry, Bye, Aye, Rye, etc.Is that what you meant?
3 types of tropical fruits
Another 3 letter word for respect is awe.
3 letter word for old oldsmobile