and those are the answers ( ps. for family feuad)
Another name of a dog house is a kennel.
I mean like if Sarah Jones lived in a house with her dog and Mike Smith moved in. Soon after they got married Sarah would now be Sarah Smith but in the neighborhood screen the house is still under the name "Jones". Can it be changed? Please help!
Well, he has no real name. Prof. Elm asks you his name and you get to name him yourself.
Type: /house <insert the name of the player>
His house is just left of the Pokemon centre in slateportcity.
Impossible to answer ! It could be a specific breed or a pet dog's name.
Usually the object would be scales.
door or cupboard to keep it closed
only if he is married or his name shows up on bills for the house.
As you might suspect, that designation doesn't exist. If you can design a proof that can be duplicated, you can name it after yourself.
His name is House because that's his name. If your talking about the TV show, because that's what the writer decided his name would be.
One would usually refer to this object as a 'moon' or 'satellite'.
Not without the consent of your lender, no. You could sell your house to her, but then your mortgage company would expect to be paid off; you can't sell her your house for less than you owe on it without making up the difference yourself.
If I had to make a Haunted House for Halloween I would name it this: Freakies for stoners
kun. for example if your name was Alex it would be Alex kun
... I... hope to assume that his name would be House. The show is named House after all. And House is the main character.If you're asking for his first name, and if he has any middle initials, I do not believe his name is ever mentioned aside from his last name: House.
that would be a barracks