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There is no such thing as a legal 'Mexican' Yu-Gi-Oh card.

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Q: Mexican first edition arm of exodia?
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Who is stronger exodia or yubel?

Exodia since when you have Left Leg of the Forbidden One, Left Arm of the Forbidden One, Right Leg of the Forbidden One, Right Arm of the Forbidden One, and Exodia the Forbidden One all in your hand you automatically win the duel

How many exodia Yu-Gi-Oh cards were made?

9 total; there is exodia the forbidden one, left arm of the forbidden one, right arm of the forbidden one, left leg of the forbidden one, right leg of the forbidden one, exodia necross, contract with exodia (spell), exodius the ultimate forbidden lord, exxod, master of the guard (not exodia specific, more of a sphinx burn deck card, but it is still considered one due to the fact that is looks EXACTLY like exodia)

How many Exodias?

In total, there are 8 officially released "Exodia" monster cards:"Exodia the Forbidden One""Left Leg of the Forbidden One""Left Arm of the Forbidden One""Right Leg of the Forbidden One""Right Arm of the Forbidden One""Exodia Necross""Exodius the Ultimate Forbidden Lord""Exxod, Master of the Guard"

What is the password for exodia pieces in Yugioh gx spirit caller shop?

Exodia the Forbidden One: 33396948Left Arm of the Forbidden One: 07902349Left Leg of the Forbidden One: 44519536Right Arm of the Forbidden One: 70903634Right Leg of the Forbidden One: 08124921

Who is the powerfulest monster in yu-Gigi-oh?

Exodia can win the game by collecting ll five pieces, "Exodi The Forbidden One","The Left Leg of Exodia","The Left Arm of Exodia","The Right Arm of Exodia",and "The Right Leg of Exodia" You probably already knew this so I just put it for any newcomers to the game or show. Other that Exodia it would be "The Winged Dragon of Ra" because his ATK. is originally ??? but you can make it whatever you want by giving him your life-points. (this effect might be "Slifer The Sky Dragon" but I don't remember) Since he is forbidden though the next strongest card would be "Five-Headed Dragon" It's original ATK and DEF. are both 5000. It is a fusion card and can be fused by any five dragons you have.Plus it can only be destroyed by Light or Divine type monsters! (excluding spell/traps)

Related questions

How much could you get for the left arm of exodia?

between £10 and £50 depending on the edition if it is 1st probably more

Who is Exodia The Forbiden One?

Exodia The Forbiden one is a limited cardit basicly 5 cards(left arm of exodia right arm of exodia left foot of exodia right foot of exodia and exodia the for forbiden one or exodia head)haveing all five card in hand is automanic win the head is ultra rare and the 4 other body parts are common(even thogh they arnt)

What unlocks exodia the forbidden one?

To get Exodia you have to have Exodia The Forbidden One, Right Leg Of The Forbidden One, Left Leg Of The Forbidden One, Right Arm Of The Forbidden One, and Left Arm Of The Forbidden One. Then, Exodia will appear on the field with 1,000 ATK and DEF points. You will win automatically after that.

Who is stronger exodia or yubel?

Exodia since when you have Left Leg of the Forbidden One, Left Arm of the Forbidden One, Right Leg of the Forbidden One, Right Arm of the Forbidden One, and Exodia the Forbidden One all in your hand you automatically win the duel

What was the first yogioh card ever made?

the left arm of exodia then the right and the then the left leg and the head and then the right leg but i dont care

What would be a reasonable price for the five pieces of exodia?

5. Right arm of the forbidden one, left arm of the forbidden one, right leg of the forbidden one, left leg of the forbidden one, and exodia the forbidden one. Also exodia the forbidden one card gets powered up by every body part! If you don't believe me check it up on the yugioh wiki.

How many exodia Yu-Gi-Oh cards were made?

9 total; there is exodia the forbidden one, left arm of the forbidden one, right arm of the forbidden one, left leg of the forbidden one, right leg of the forbidden one, exodia necross, contract with exodia (spell), exodius the ultimate forbidden lord, exxod, master of the guard (not exodia specific, more of a sphinx burn deck card, but it is still considered one due to the fact that is looks EXACTLY like exodia)

Can you have 2 exodia?

Each Exodia card (Exodia the Forbidden One, Left Leg of the Forbidden One, Right Leg of the Forbidden One, Left Arm of the Forbidden One, Right Arm of the Forbidden One) is Limited. This means that you can only have one copy of each card in your Deck and Side Deck combined.

How many Exodias?

In total, there are 8 officially released "Exodia" monster cards:"Exodia the Forbidden One""Left Leg of the Forbidden One""Left Arm of the Forbidden One""Right Leg of the Forbidden One""Right Arm of the Forbidden One""Exodia Necross""Exodius the Ultimate Forbidden Lord""Exxod, Master of the Guard"

What is the password for exodia pieces in Yugioh gx spirit caller shop?

Exodia the Forbidden One: 33396948Left Arm of the Forbidden One: 07902349Left Leg of the Forbidden One: 44519536Right Arm of the Forbidden One: 70903634Right Leg of the Forbidden One: 08124921

How many pieces is required to make exodia on Yugioh?

5 pieces. The Left arm of the forbidden one,right arm,left leg,rightleg andd the head when you use him you win instanly.

How do you get exodia in Yu-Gi-Oh wc 2008?

All of the Exodia pieces come in the pack, "Fiery Rage." When you start the game you should have this pack in the shop. Either continuously buy these packs, or type in these codes in password mode.07902349=Left arm of the forbidden one.08124921=Left leg of the forbidden one.70903634=Right arm of the forbidden one.08124921=Right leg of the forbidden one.33396948=Exodia the forbidden one.I hope you find this helpful.