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Exodia can win the game by collecting ll five pieces, "Exodi The Forbidden One","The Left Leg of Exodia","The Left Arm of Exodia","The Right Arm of Exodia",and "The Right Leg of Exodia" You probably already knew this so I just put it for any newcomers to the game or show. Other that Exodia it would be "The Winged Dragon of Ra" because his ATK. is originally ??? but you can make it whatever you want by giving him your life-points. (this effect might be "Slifer The Sky Dragon" but I don't remember) Since he is forbidden though the next strongest card would be "Five-Headed Dragon" It's original ATK and DEF. are both 5000. It is a fusion card and can be fused by any five dragons you have.Plus it can only be destroyed by Light or Divine type monsters! (excluding spell/traps)

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Q: Who is the powerfulest monster in yu-Gigi-oh?
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