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Q: Longest word without repetition of letters?
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What is the longest word without letter repetition?


What is the answer for the number of 3 letter words with or without meaning that can be formed out of the letters of the word LOGARITHMS if repetition of the letters is not allowed?

It is 720.

What is the longest word in the English language without a vowekl?

The longest word in the English language without a vowel is "rhythms." It has seven letters and does not contain any vowels.

How many letters does the longest word have?

1,909 letters in the longest word

What is the longest word that doesn't have any vowels?

The longest word without vowels is "rhythms." It has 7 letters and does not contain any vowels.

What is a repetition of letters in a word called?

Alliteration is the repetition of the same consonant sounds and assonance is the repetition of the same vowel sounds.

What is the longest Word whose letters are in alphabetical order?

Aegilops is the longest word whose letters are in alphabetical order.

What is the longest word with these letters aledivo?

5 is the longest word I found "VIDEO"

Is there a 7 letter word with letters EEJLNRU?

There is no English word that uses all 7 of these letters. The longest word using these letters in unreel. The longest word using the j is jurel.

What is the longest word you can make from the letters in the word WEATHER?

The longest word you can make from the letters in the word WEATHER is "weatherer," which is a valid English word meaning someone or something that weathers or endures a particular situation or condition. This word contains all the letters in the original word "weather" without any additional letters.

Longest word with qwertyuiop?

The longest word that can be made up from the letters "qwertyuiop" is the following:Typewriter

What is Longest word with no repeated letters?

uncopyrightable (15 letters).