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Aegilops is the longest word whose letters are in alphabetical order.

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Q: What is the longest Word whose letters are in alphabetical order?
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What is the longest word in the English language with all its letters in alphabetical order?

Longest Word In English With All Letters In Alphabetical OrderThe longest word in English with all letters in alphabetical order is aegilops. (8 letters) Aegilops, a Latin word which has been absorbed into the English language, has three meanings:an eye condition,a type of grassa species of oak tree.Other words in the English language with all letters in alphabetical order, A-Z:7-letter words, with repeated lettersbeefilybillowySome 6-letter words, no repeated lettersabhorsalmostbeginsbijouxbiopsychimpschintzghostySome 6-letter words, with repeated lettersabbessaccentacceptaccessaddersbellowchillschillychoosychoppyeffortfloorsfloppyflossyglossyknottySome of the longest words in the English language with all letters in REVERSE alphabetical order, Z-A:spoonfeed (9, with repeated letters)spoonfed (8, with a repeated letter)trollied (8, with a repeated letter)sponged (7, no repeats)wronged (7, no repeats)

What is the longest country name in the world?

The country with the longest name is the UK, whose formal name is 'The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland', with forty-eight letters.

What is the least natural number whose written name in English has its letters in alphabetical orderr?

8, I think.

Which word contains all the alphabets?

Boy, it took a few hours to get your answer - but after discussing your question with several English professors from UGA (University of Georgia), they all stated: AEGILOPS (an ulcer in the eye) is the longest word whose letters are in alphabetical order.

Which state capital has the longest name?

That would be Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

What word is formed by unscrambling the letters areognia?

There is no single English word using all of the letters. The longest are 6 letters: orange, regain, ignore, gainer, oaring, and region. The letters can form phrases of no particular meaning: e.g. Ore again or Aria gone. A proper noun spelled with those letters is Agenoria, a Greek goddess whose name was used for an early locomotive, and forms the species name for several types of butterflies.

Who is the Fictional character whose first name starts with j has 4 letters The last name ends in t has 6 letters?

Jack Spratt is a fictional character whose first name has four letters beginning with J and whose last name has six letters ending in T. He is the main character of a nursery rhyme.

Is who's or whose first in alphabetical order?

The word "who's" is a contraction and does not belong in a regular dictionary, but online dictionaries do have contractions. That said, "who's" is listed first, being a contraction of "who" and "is" -- and "who" comes before "whose" because it ends at the 'o'.

Whose last name is longest in NFL?

Ben Roethlisberger.

Hebrew letter starting with A four letters?

The following names of Hebrew letters are spelled with 4 letters when written in English:alefchetayinreshshin

What are animals whose names end with the letters st?

They are beast