Hasty, Docile, Lonely, Rash, Naughty, Relaxed, Naive, Modest, Hardy, Bashful, Calm, Sassy, Serious, Jolly, Mild, Adamant, Careful, Brave.
A list of Pokemon that can learn foresight is:VenonatVenomothMachopMachokeMachampHitmonleeHoothootNoctowlYanmaMudkipMarshtompSwampertSableyeDuskull Dusclops
Natures give your Pokemon stat changes and a personality has well not all natures change stats like Docile nature, personality just makes the Pokemon unique it also sets what kind of pokeblock or poffin the Pokemon likes.
For all thepokemon natures and what stat they help visit bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net and search for natures.
its not an emerald its RAYQUAZA the main legendary Pokemon in Pokemon emerald.
Natures (not JUST in Pokemon Diamond) give your Pokemon one stat boost, as well as one stat hinderance. For example, Adamant increases attack and reduces special attack. Some natures don't have ANY effect. If you need a chart for natures, I have one made here:
in the Pokemon emerald guide you can get it at target
Every Pokemon since the 3rd generation games (Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald) has a nature. If there are no natures, you're playing a 1st generation (Red/Blue/Yellow) or 2nd generation (Gold/Silver/Crystal) game. Those games don't have natures for Pokemon.
Pokemon Emerald has a bunch of Pokemon, that are available to be caught! It's too many to list here.
yes it does
A list of Pokemon that can learn foresight is:VenonatVenomothMachopMachokeMachampHitmonleeHoothootNoctowlYanmaMudkipMarshtompSwampertSableyeDuskull Dusclops
pokemon with bold nature has increased defence stat and decreased attack stat... try to google full list of all natures...
There are many different ways that natures affect Pokemon. For a complete list, try Neoseeker.com and look through Pokemon cheats. You should find everything you need there.
you cannot make a Pokemon have these natures, you have no control over their natures. Try checking in your Pokemon's summary in all of your PC boxes as well.
Natures give your Pokemon stat changes and a personality has well not all natures change stats like Docile nature, personality just makes the Pokemon unique it also sets what kind of pokeblock or poffin the Pokemon likes.
For all thepokemon natures and what stat they help visit bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net and search for natures.