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Q: Liqueur that starts with a C?
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What is a Chinese liquor that starts with the letter c?

Canton ginger liqueur.

What liquor starts with the letter F?

Liquor that starts with F includes: Framboise (raspberry liqueur) Fino (Spanish sherry) Frangelico (Italian hazelnut liqueur)

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What alcohol starts with letter a?

absinthe, advocaat, alize, amaretto, Apricot Brandy, Almond Liqueur,

What liqueur begins with Y?

Yellow chartreuse. Crème Yvette begins with a c.

What is praline liqueur?

you substitute frangelico liqueur for praline liqueur

What is razz liqueur?

It is a raspberry liqueur.

What is something found in the kitchen that starts with the letter L?

Lemons, limes, liquid, lamb, leeks, liquor, liqueur, lights, leafs

A mammal that starts with C?

a mammal that starts C is a COW

What in the human body starts with c?

Your clavicle bone starts with c.

What kind of arthritis starts with a C?

What kind of arthritis starts with a c

What is a blackthorn liqueur?

blackthorn liqueur is sloe gin