Liquor that starts with F includes: Framboise (raspberry liqueur) Fino (Spanish sherry) Frangelico (Italian hazelnut liqueur)
Alize =)
a facitionalFacitionFriction is a force that starts with the letter F.
The fax machine is a machine. It begins with the letter F.
Florida is the only US state starting with the letter F.
Alize =)
Yuengling is a popular beer. It starts with the letter Y.
Aart de tek
Canton ginger liqueur.
V sounds like it starts with a F, if that helps.
Famished is a word for extremely hungry that starts with the letter F.
"Pressure" is an 8-letter word related to force that starts with the letter "f."
An example of an Italian liquor whose spelling starts with the letter "g" is Galliano, whose full name in Italian is Liquore Galliano L'Autentico (The authentic Galliano liquor).
a facitionalFacitionFriction is a force that starts with the letter F.
The fax machine is a machine. It begins with the letter F.
That is correct! "French" starts with the letter "f" and ends with the letter "e."