the answer is Limp it took a long time but it is Limp
i had it for homework too
to make it hatch you have to ....... Step 1.put the egg in your party. Step 2.walk around. Step 3.make sure you have your party filled with electric types. Step 4 it would help to spray a repel and go from your hose to nimbasa city. Step 5.then walk straight back to your house again till it hatches
Simple step 1:have the 2nd badge in dewford town step 2:tell to the guy near a blueprint inside Stern's shipyard that you will bring the Devon goods to Stern step 3:deliver the Devon goods to Capt. Stern step 4:defeat the 2 magma/aqua grunts step 5:walk to route 110 and battle rival walk,walk,walkuntil you reached Mauville city P.S.:to gym inside the gym battle wally first he uses ralts so use a dark type
Wade. Means to walk in water. Wadi. Arabic for a valley.
A homograph for "lame" meaning to walk with difficulty could be "lame" meaning unconvincing or unsatisfactory. Both words are spelled the same but have different meanings.
The homograph word for "lame walk or step" is "limp." It can refer to both a limping gait or a weak or unconvincing argument.
Ah, what a happy little question! The homograph word you're looking for is "light." It can mean not heavy, or it can refer to brightness or the opposite of darkness. Just like how we can paint with light colors to create a soft and gentle mood on our canvas.
What is the homograph for a noisy fight
pretend your legs are stiff. And walk.
Immobile, handicapped, hurt Crippled.
Walk with a stiff upper lip.
You can use the word "lame" to describe something that is uninteresting, weak, or unsatisfactory. For example, "The movie was so lame that I fell asleep halfway through."
If by lame, you mean, does not possess the inability to walk, it might be because Wikianswers does not have legs. But imagine the potential if it did. Woah. Mind is literally blown.
Peter helped the lame man at the temple, as he was filled with the spirit, and wanted the people to see that even after Jesus was no longer with them the holy spirit was there and in the name of Jesus he made the lame man walk.