

Best Answer

Wade. Means to walk in water.

Wadi. Arabic for a valley.

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Q: What four letter word starts with WAD?
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What is a sentence for the word wad?

daemenation means what

What is the noun for wad?

The word 'wad' is both a verb and a noun.The noun 'wad' is a singular, common, concrete noun; a word for a small mass or bundle; a soft pad or plug used to hold a powder charge in a gun; a large roll of paper money; a word for a thing.The noun form of the verb to wad is the gerund, wadding.

What are some words that end with wad?

fook wad dick wad bob wad meat wad

How long does it take to blow a wad?

Depends on the size and type of the wad and what you are blowing it on. It also helps to know what type of wad were talking about. A wad of cash, a wad of gum, a wad of paper, etc....

What is the Igbo meaning for the word Wad?

Any word, when correctly translated, means the same as it does in the original language.

How do you press a four leaf clover?

You can smash it in a book, put it in a freezer or roll it up in a gum wad.

What is a 'tabacco wad?

it's a wad of tobacco

What does the Arabic word wadi mean?

"Wad" is used in Egyptian Arabic. It means "little boy".

What is a wad?

A wad is a compact mass or a pile of something.

What does dip wad mean?

when u have a dip in a wad

When was Svend Wad born?

Svend Wad was born in 1928.

When was Nishigandha Wad born?

Nishigandha Wad was born in 1969.