yabba large Jamaican earthenware or wooden vessel yabby small edible freshwater crayfish yachty relating to yachts yad rod used by readers of the Torah as a pointer for following text yaff to bark like a snarling dog yaffingale green woodpecker yag synthetic diamond made of yttrium aluminum garnet yager nineteenth-century rifle yahrzeit Jewish remembrance of the first anniversary of someone's death yair tidal enclosure for catching fish yajna Hindu sacrificial rite yakhdan box used for carrying ice on back of pack animal yakow animal crossbred from male yak and domestic cow yale mythical animal resembling tusked horse with elephant's tail and used in heraldry yam posting-house along a road yantra geometrical diagram designed as a meditation aid yapness hunger yapok an amphibious opossum of South America yapp limp leather binding in which cover overlaps edges of book yarak of a hawk, in good condition for hunting yarborough hand of cards containing no card above nine yardage charge for use of a yard yardang ridge formed by wind erosion parallel to prevailing winds yardarm either end of the yard of a square-rigged ship yarder donkey-engine used in logging yardland unit of land area equal to 30 acres yare marked by quickness and agility; nimble; prepared; easily handled yarling wailing; howling yarmulke skullcap worn by Orthodox Jewish men yarnwindle tool for winding yarn into a ball yarpha peatbog; sandy or fibrous peat yarrow flowering herb growing in moist areas; milfoil yashiki residence of a feudal Japanese nobleman yashmak double Muslim veil leaving only eyes uncovered yataghan long curved knife or Sabre yate species of eucalyptus tree with strong wood yautia root crop of the West Indies like a yam yaw to move unsteadily side to side; to rotate about a vertical axis yawl ship's small boat; sailboat carrying mainsail and one or more jibs yawny prone to yawning; characterized by yawning yealing person of the same age yean to give birth to a lamb or kid yeanling lamb; kid yeasty full of restless energy or creativity; insubstantial yede to go yegg a burglar of safes yelek outer garment worn by Turkish women yellow to bellow; to yelp yellowback cheap sensational novel yelm a straight bundle of straw used for thatching yelt a young sow yeomanette old term for a female yeoman in the American naval reserve yerk to draw tight; to bind yeuk to itch yex to hiccup, belch or spit yikker to utter sharp little cries yird to bury ylem in alchemy, substance from which the elements developed yogh letter in Middle English representing y or 'hh' sound yogibogeybox materials used by a spiritualist yoicks expression of surprise or excitement yomp to carry heavy equipment over difficult terrain yon yonder yonderly mentally or emotionally distant; absent-minded yoni symbol representing female genitals yordim emigrants who leave Israel younker a young person yowie a little ewe yperite mustard gas ypsiliform shaped like an upsilon yrneh unit of reciprocal inductance yttriferous bearing yttrium yu precious jade yuft Russia leather yuke to itch
Latin (the Roman language) has no K, W, or Z, and no words start with X or Y. The only Roman words beginning with Y are Greek, like Yasu, which means hello.
Some words that start with G and end with Y are:gabbygalaxygalleygaudygaygenealogygentlygeographygeologygeometryghastlyghostlygigglygiddygingerlyglorygoodygoofygorygraduallygravellygravelygravitygravygraygreedygullygummyguppyGuy
Yield and yellow boy are just two water words that start with y.
Some words that start with a vowel and end in a Y are:animosityanyelectrifyenemyeveryexactlyonlyorneryuglyusury
Latin (the Roman language) has no K, W, or Z, and no words start with X or Y. The only Roman words beginning with Y are Greek, like Yasu, which means hello.
Some words that start with Y are:yachtyakyamYankyarnyawyawnyeahyearyearnyellowyenyesyesterdayyetyetiyewyipyoyodelyokeyolkyonderyorkyouyoungyoungsteryouthYugoslaviayummy
Some words that start with Y are:yachtyakyamYankyarnyawyawnyeahyearyearnyellowyenyesyesterdayyetyetiyewyipyoyodelyokeyolkyonderyorkyouyoungyoungsteryouthYugoslaviayummy
After going through two Latin dictionaries without finding a word strting with the letter y, I get the idea that there isn't one. The best I could come up with is that the Romans would use y in a Greek derived word, but not at the beginning of the word. The y is the symbol for the Greek letter upsilon. <><><> Preceding is a very good answer. The ancient Roman alphabet had only 21 letters- and Y was not one of them.
Some words that start with G and end with Y are:gabbygalaxygalleygaudygaygenealogygentlygeographygeologygeometryghastlyghostlygigglygiddygingerlyglorygoodygoofygorygraduallygravellygravelygravitygravygraygreedygullygummyguppyGuy
Yield and yellow boy are just two water words that start with y.
Some words that start with a vowel and end in a Y are:animosityanyelectrifyenemyeveryexactlyonlyorneryuglyusury
It still means nothing in Latin. Latin words can not end in "b" and Latin has no letter "y".
Hi, does anyone know words that start with X or Y that has to do with IndianaHi, does anyone know words that start with X or Y that has to do with IndianaHi, does anyone know words that start with X or Y that has to do with Indiana
Math terms that start with Y are y-axis, y-coordinate, or y-intercept.Also the distance measurement "yard."
YankeeYankee doodleYorktown