the Japanese symbols for together is 一緒
view this link for a big picture of it
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Some symbols are done on different language keyboards.
Jaboticaba Jackfruit Jakfruit Jamaica Cherry Jamaican Honeysuckle Jamberry Jambolan Jamfruit Japanese Chestnut Japanese Fiber Banana Japanese Hackberry Japanese Medlar Japanese Pepper Leaf Japanese Persimmon Japanese Plum Japanese Plum Japanese Plum Japanese Quince Japanese Raisin Tree Japanese Rose Japanese Tea Bush Japanese Yew Japanese Yew Java Almond Java Apple Java Olive Java Plum Javanese Almond Jelly Palm Jerusalem Artichoke Jicama Jojoba Jostaberry Jujube Juneberry
Yes, they will be in Japanese.
Pokemon is Japanese
The generic name for all symbols in Japanese is "Kana."There are three sets of kana all used together, and each set has a generic name:Hiragana (set of phonetic symbols for syllables, used mainly for Japanese grammar words)Katakana (set of phonetic symbols for syllables, used mainly for foreign words)Kanji (chinese characters)
the Japanese symbols for protection is : 守り
Hello in Japanese symbols.. = こんにちは (:
for what
Cupcake is written in Japanese as カップケーキ.
The Japanese have a special keyboard with Kangi characters.
That word does not exist in Japanese. In Japanese symbols, it would be written スペンサー
誰も信用できない are the Japanese symbols for "trust no one."
The Chinese symbols.
'Twin' in Japanese kanji is双子 (futago).
Eclipse in Japanese is Nisshoku (knee-show-coo) - Japanese symbols - 日食