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Yes. Zas is a legal Scrabble word.

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Q: Is zas word in Scrabble
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Related questions

Can you pluralize the word za?

Yes. Zas is an allowable Scrabble word.

What is the population of Zas?

Zas's population is 5,867.

What is a seven letter word ending in zas?

coryzas, kwanzas, mezuzas, piazzas, stanzas

When was ZAS Airline of Egypt created?

ZAS Airline of Egypt was created in 1982.

When did ZAS Airline of Egypt end?

ZAS Airline of Egypt ended in 1995.

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When was Arturo Santos Zas born?

Arturo Santos Zas was born on July 27, 1956, in Pontevedra, Pontevedra, Galicia, Spain.

Is Chico a good name for a hamster?

zas is a good name

What word can you make with the letters zooask?

kazoos kazoo zooks koas oaks okas soak sook zoos ask azo kas koa kos oak oka ska zas zoa zoo as ka os so za. that's all in the scrabble rules.

What is a Scrabble word?

A Scrabble word is an English word that you can use in the Scrabble game.

Is za an acceptable Scrabble word meaning pizza and if so in what references has it been authenticated?

There are many unusual words in the official scrabble list of acceptable words, and za as an abbreviation for pizza has recently been added to the British Scrabble Club Word List (CWL)(and plural: zas!)However, in order enable immediate verification of words whilst playing, opponents should agree before play on what dictionary they will use as final authority, one that they all have access to should a dispute arise. The paperback 'Official Scrabble Words' is a very useful book to have at hand, and it also gives some tips on play and letter combinations.See Related Link below these three ads.

Is get a scrabble word?

Git is a playable Scrabble word. It is listed as a Scrabble word in Merriam-Webster's Official Scrabble Players Dictionary. The word means to get.