Gaza, liza
The two English language words acceptable in SOWPODS2 for International Scrabble play are "za", a valid contraction of "pizza", and "zo", also spelled "dzo" or "dzho", a hybrid of a yak and a domesticated cow.In Italian, the word "zi" can be added to "za".In Spanish, the only acceptable word beginning with Z is "za".
Yup, it sure is. The only two 2-letter words starting with Z are ZA (short for pizza) and ZO. =)
Four letter words that end with 'za' are Gaza and Giza.
3 Letter words that start with za: Zag, Zap, Zas, Zax 4 Letter words that start with za: Zags, Zany, Zaps, Zarf 5 Letter words that start with za: Zaire, Zamia, Zanza, Zappy, Zarfs, Zaxes, Zayin, Zazen 6 Letter words that start with za: Zaddik, Zaffar, Zaffer, Zaffir 7 Letter words that start with za: Zacaton, Zaddick, Zaffars, Zaffers
Do you mean, "How do you pluralize the phrase 'follow God's word' ? 1) Follow the words of God, or 2) Follow God's words.
Diagnoses, pronounced die-eg-no-seez.
As far as I know, za is shortened for the word pizza.
Lobotomies... To pluralize a word which ends in a "y" drop the "y" and add "ies".
If you want to pluralize any word, including the word 'hug,' an apostrophe is not needed. You would simply write 'hugs.'
Kind of like a "za" sound. Like the "za" in the word zany.
ZA - Is Slang for Pizza it is not a word, And the SCRABBLE dictionary on like to claim it is a word but they use it as a word so people on SCRABBLEhave more words to put in SCRABBLE.
No, fox's is a singular possessive noun. The plural form of fox is foxes.