Advances in holographic technology will probably make it possible one day, yes. Obviously they're likely to be more like the original arenas of season one before more portable and stable holographic projections are developed. Aside from the technical limits there is no real reason why dueling couldn't become a very popular sport, broadcast worldwide like any other major sporting tournament.
the second pokemon in the world ever created was giratina
No, Sonic the Hedgehog will never be real. He is a fictional video game character designed for entertainment purposes only, and isn't ever going to be real.
The very first Pokemon ever created by the Pokemon team was Rhydon.
it keeps on going
Are You Ever Gonna Love Me was created in 1988.
The North American release for Nintendo DS was May 14 2009
The translation of "La plus grande chose vous apprendrez jamais l'ame recontre l'ame amour est duels mesonges dans nous" from French to English is: "The greatest thing you will ever learn is that soul meets soul, love is duels and lies within us."
Ever After was created on 1998-07-29.
Ever Be was created in 2007.
In the Ever was created in 2008.
It´s not so well spelled as per good French*, but I´ll tell you the idea of the sentence: " The greatest thing you´ll ever learn: the soul meets the soul; love is duels lies [lies in duels, or lying to each other] within us ". * Just an example: un meNsonge = a lie. The phrase is probably confusing, embarrassing or ambiguous. Sorry.
Probably not. Thank god. :D
well, in his lifetime, he created the first ever milk chocolate bar.
Have I Ever Told You was created in 2001.
Ever Manifesto was created in 2009.
Ever Green was created in 1930.