194 my name is Aaron and i have beaten the round and i am at round 613 on medium
I don't know the highest score ever, but I have a 536,580 in Chuzzle Deluxe Expert level. I think level 15.
No there is not. The Nintendo Wii has never had downloadable content from the Call of Duty series even though the other systems have had them. There is information about the next Call of Duty Black Ops Xbox 360 Map Pack available for May 3 2011 release Called Escalation and if the Wii were going to get the First Strike Map Pack the information would be available
im sure the highest black ops survival is about level 150 im guessing.
the highest round of zombies i have made it up 2 was 48 we used a glitch an we had no more ammo so we got out the aan we ranked the nd we died it was fun though we ranked 100 in the world an were very happy with it to get glich go to youtube an type kino der toten zombie gliches it is very helpful.
I hit the black knight with 51234 damage glitch. The highest hit for mage class is a round 1420 that I (gigamoe4) hit by using ice shard then fireball.
194 my name is Aaron and i have beaten the round and i am at round 613 on medium
You don't breed them. You kill them. I mean really. It's call of duty not Sims pets zombie edition or what ever.
89, Ralph Johnston - 1972
No it is impossible to become a zombie.
11 killstreaks: attack dogs or gunship
If superman ever became a zombie, probably.
Nobody knows for sure, but chances are, there will not be a zombie apocalypse.
No, there will never be a real zombie pandemic, because you need space aliens for a zombie pandemic.