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Psychic(Gallade)is weak to Umbreon and Gengar.

You shouldn't get a Pokemon which has 2 weakness pokemons.

That means a Pokemon's type is one of the weakness of a/another Pokemon.

Charizard and Salemence is good for Sp.Att...

Heracross is good for Sp.Def.../Defense...

Umbreon and Gengar is good for Speed.

You should train Heracross for Speed,Eviaveness(Sorry if my spelling's wrong but I haven't played my Nintendo DS Lite for a long time.(And Its Pokemon Pearl.)Accuracy and Sp.Att./Attack..too..

If that Gallade has Psycho Cut and Focus Punch it'll be great!

I would like to suggest that you should change the Gengar to Giratina?If not then Raichu?


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Q: Is ur umbreon Gengar Charizard salamence Heracross and gallade a good Pokemon party?
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It actually counts when you list their stats and moves and levels, but so far good team.

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Ok, but a well placed ice move could take out 5 of your Pokemon and if the ice move comes from an ice type the electabuzz has no advantage.... out of 10 i would give it a 4, i much more appropriate team would be gallade, scizor, charizard, electabuzz, marowak, and one of your dragon type Pokemon....hope you enjoy.

How is this for a Pokemon platnium team Garchomp Tyranitar Aggron Gallade Lucario Salamence Still a work in progress and need suggestions on Pokemon to change and maybe some moves Cheers?

very gd actually when did you get it?