I have submitted as a member, I found no real support, only machines answering e-mails, no difference between downloading files before and after submitting...they give you links to download and install software I already had, they give you a nickname and a password you use to enter members area, the only thing you find there is downlading softwares (I already had installed), no hard to find files..nothing, it's like talking to a wall, they never really answer, it is a fraud.
no site is safe to download anything
Minecraft is safe to download for Mac, if downloaded from their site.
I downloaded it, and it hasn't done anything bad to my computer. I actually feel like my computer's gotten a bit faster O_O. So yes, it's safe.
no site is safe to download anything
Minecraft is safe to download for Mac, if downloaded from their site.
is download all a safe site to use no viruses ect
It's a spyware, but they do send the prizes.
Ofcourse it is.
They are usually safe if you download from the official game site.
in my opinion the best site to download games is:oriongames4u.blogspot.com/
what upit depends what site you download them from , if you havePC protection it should say if it is safe or not ..
Folding@Home is a safe download. Just be sure that you're downloading it from the official site!
Yes. If you download it from the official site, there should be no problem.
yes, absolutely
is yahoo a safe site to play card games