I'm Not Sure
On what game?
Wizard 101 is an online role-playing game where players become students at a wizarding school.
wizard 101 kids and adults can play this 3D multiplayer game
Username: moussa772 Pass:cherifoui
yes, but you can only get it in ireland.
I'm Not Sure
The character Alex is a wizard. In real life, the actress is not a wizard.
well i have heard that wizard powers are real. but the only way to know is to actually meet a wizard
Never. As the point of the game is to see how for you can progress on your studies as a wizard. After all, it is only a game.
A wizard on the game.
you cant become a wizard but there is many wizard costumes but no wizard powers
One of your parents has to be a wizard.
Wizards do not exist in real life.
there is no way to become a wizard. they r not real.
yes but its a secret