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Q: A real password and username for wizard 101?
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Related questions

Can someone give you their wizard 101 account?

not while your on wizard 101 but they can give it to you from youtube

Is there a wizard 101 level 60 username and password?

nope there's not

How to get my wizard 101 avatar on another computer?

All you have to do is log on with the same username and password on the other computer.

Can someone give me their wizard 101 account who is a member?

you can have mine. the username is electrike and the password is pokemon. trust me

What is wizard 101 hack password?

What is wizard 101 hack 2.8 password?

What is the password for wizard 101 generator 2013?

Your Password!

How do you redeem a friendfinder code on wizard 101?

you have to go to and enter your username and password the you click redeem card or code.

Why do you have too download wizard 101?

you don't need to download it. if you type in wizard 101 it comes up and it says create an account on the bottom and login at the top. type your username and password in and it will come up. I play and i downloaded it. i think its quicker to get on.

What is the password for the wizard 101 crown generator 2013?

Your Password!

What is the password for wizard 101 hack v2.8?

it changes

What is the password for the wizard 101 crown generator?


What is password for wizard101 ibest hackv5?

The password of Wizard 101 hack v5.7 is not available online. Passwords should always be kept private for security reasons.