

Best Answer

yes in fact eath stared with water.

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Q: Is there more water than anything?
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What is more dense then water?

Anything that sinks in water is more dense than water.

Is anything more hydrating than water?


Why does water evaporate faster than anything?

Water is not evaporated faster than anything.

Does a liquid have to consist of water?

Water is a liquid. Anything that has molecules more spread out than solids but less spread out than gases are liquids.

What does density have to do with the ability to float?

Using water is an example, anything that is less dense than water will float on water. Anything that is denser than water will sink in water.

Does water dissolve more things than anything else?

Yes, water is a very good solvent but not universal.

What things sink in water?

stonemirroreraseriron1rupee coinmobilea keya cara lamp

Will a ball float higher in salt or fresh water?

Salt water is more buoyant than fresh water is, because salt water is slightly more dense. -- Anything that floats in salt water will float higher than it does in fresh water. -- Anything that sinks in salt water will sink slower than it does in fresh water. -- Anything that just barely floats in salt water may possibly sink in fresh water.

What separates from canola oil as it freezes?

anything more dense than the oil, like water.

What does density have to with the ability to float?

Using water is an example, anything that is less dense than water will float on water. Anything that is denser than water will sink in water.

What acid is a solution with more what?

H+ than OH- (more hydrogen ions than hydroxide ions). This is what makes acid, acid, and not water, or base, or anything else.

Which compound is the universal solvent?

Water is the compound that is the universal solvent. it is called this because more substances dissolve in water than in anything else.