yes there is going to be a third season of the game but its not till January 2011
No, because the games Open Season 2 and Open Season 3 don't exist. There is only one game based on the movie - Open Season video game. New games are not planned.
Sadly no in the next season of Pokemon Dawn will make a small appearance but not stay on the show. The season is called Pokemon Best Wishes.
shutup u fat slob of poo!!!!!
Of course, there will be Sonic games until SEGA decides to stop.
Sony never has made a Halo game, and they never will. Microsoft owns the publishing rights for Halo.
is there going to be another season of xena warrior princess
Yes,theres going to be a season 2
are them going to make another season 8 pretty little liars
Yes, there will be a season two.
Unfortunately, no.
Yes, season 4.
yes but it will be on abc and is supposed to be the final season
There are currently no official annocements of a Season 6.
No. It ended at Season 9.