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shutup u fat slob of poo!!!!!

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Q: Is there going to be another gears of war game?
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Are they going to make a gears of war 3?

Yes, it will be the last game for the gears of war series

Is gears of war 3 is going to be for playstation 3?

No, it is a Microsoft game and will always be a Microsoft game.

Is there going to be a third gears of war game?

Yes yo yo boy

Is gears of war 3 on wii?

Gears of War is only available for the Xbox 360 and Games for Windows. As the game is published by Microsoft Game Studios, it is more than likely not going to be available for the Wii.

Is Gears of War 3 the last Gears of War game?

While it is confirmed that it will be the last game of the current story, it is not confirmed whether it will be the last game in the Gears of War franchise.

Gears of war two?

gears of war 2 is a great game

In what mission do they play the song gears of war by megadeth in the game gears of war?

Unfortunately Gears of War by Megadeth was never featured in the game Gears of War because the song was not entirely complete but when Gears of War 2 came out the song was never added into the game because of the lack of communication between the Microsoft and Dave Mustaine

Is there going to be gears of war3?

Yes, There is going to be a Gears of war 3. The Locust Gueen is not dead, the story of Adam Fenix is not completely solved and there is a secret message after the credits of Gears of war 2. I also heard there is going to be a Movie on the Gears of War Trilogy.

Is gears of war violent?

Gears of War is a very violent game with blood and gore.

How do you download gears of war 2 for PC?

Gears of War 2 is an Xbox exclusive game

Is gears of war 3 going to come out?

Yes, but the game is going to turn out as an rpg type game (still 3rd person). We may know their would be a girl in the game to but also NOBODY knows what it really going to be about.

How many sequels did gears of war generate?

The game has two sequels, Gears of War 2 which is out now and Gears of War 3 that is released in April 2011. Gears of War 3 is supposed to be the last.