there is no expiry for it ...
its forever kind a membership whichis credited as u travel .
if you go to moshi membership cancellation then goChanging membership packagethen you press cancellation and then you cancel your membership :]
Yes, you can cancel your membership by going to the membership page and click cancel my membership.
Membership must be bought it is not normally possible to get free membership.
You have to buy a game card for membership in order to get free membership That you can go to and go to rewards and get a 1 month membership.
How can i find my alfursan membership
what is alfursan membership number? i do not have member ship. Can i have pin number?
Through on line
i already have a alfursan card since 2010i want to know adout this is valid or not pls tell membership numberis29714602 wating for responce thanku
what is alfursan membership number? i do not have member ship. Can i have pin number?
my blue card membership i can renew my card?
sir, i would like to get a membership in an alfursan blue card , kindly give me the membership and let me enjoy your 10kg luggage deduction in your air lines THANK YOU. name firoj khan 2069 al jubail saudi arabia mobile 0553245930
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yes. I applied already alfursan card thru net. I want my card to be delivered in the address I send, my membership card # is 42419300. I want my card as soon as possible. Thank you.
How can be a alfursan member.I have mailed several application but no reply.Ive been working here in Saudi Arabia for more than 20 years now and i have not received any responsed from Alfursan
First, give or Enter Memebership Card number for such reference.0055511
firstly search to Internet the name of Al Furs an membership, then register to AL Furs an membership for the card luggage, should be answer the one of the fallowing question thank you!! i am ferdinand garcia