Subeta is similar in that you can adopt up to 5 pets, play games, make money, and interact with your friends online with your own human avatar. If you're interested you can join with this link:
Club Penguin, Pet Pet Park, Webkinz, Neopets
No, it is not currently possible to sell anythin on Club Penguin.
Club penguin, Millsberry, Poptropica, Neopets and I hope this helped!
No you can not shop on club penguin herberts revenge. I have the game and the game gives you stuff you cant choose or buy anything.
Moshi Monsters, as you can do more things without being a member. In club penguin, you can HARDLY do anything without having a membership.
so here is the answer neopets is a site way better than club penguin and actually club pengiunis the site for 7 to 8 aged children and whereas neopets is for all ages we can do loads and loads of coll stuff one neopets!
This is the neopets section. Go to the club penguin section...
In my personal opinion, If you spend equal time on each sites, you should go for the club penguin member card, because you need it on club Penguin to do anything, you don't on neopets.
Webkinz, Buildabearville, Neopets, but club penguin is one of the best!!!
There is game called moshi monsters Also neopets and ourworld
cause club penguin has made a new type of mission! do you go on neopets? its like club penguin, and so is tootsville!
neopets, webkinz, and club penguin are a few. my fav is neopets :)
neopets,bin weevils,club penguin
neopets,club penguin,and bin weevils
Club Penguin Marapets Moshi Monsters
Neopets is good and marapets and club penguin