After you defeat the 4th gym leader, Elesa, you can go into the Lostlorn Forest, there you will encounter a level 25 Zoroark (female). You can capture her and breed her to get a Zorua.
There is no possible way at the moment except by using the Event Shiny legendary dogs to get Zoroark and breed it.
One way to find Zorua is to have the Event Celebi from GameStop. If you have it. If you do, use the Relocator in Castelia City. (Password: Everyone Happy Simple Connection). Zorua is the boy on the 1st floor of the GameFreak. Have Celebi in your party when you talk to him then you can battle and capture Zorua. Another way is if you have any of the three Shiny Legendary Beast of Johto (again, from an event) and have captured Zoroark, you can breed Zoroark (PokéShift a Ditto if it's male) and have a Zorua Egg.
There are a few ways to get Zorua. Two of the ways are by event, and the other is by GTS. The first and most direct way, is to have the Event Gamestop Celebi. You transfer it into Pokemon White or Black, and it will activate an event, in one of the buildings of Castelia City, the particular building where the girl shows you the picture of Zorua. The next way is to have the event shiny legendary beasts. Transfer them into Pokemon Black or White and battle and catch Zoroark at Lostlorn Forest. Breed it to get Zorua. The last way is to get Zorua at GTS. This is probably the easiest way, as Zoroark and Zorua are breedable, and there's tons on the GTS. An easy way to get them is to first talk to the girl with the picture in Castelia City, and then put up a version exclusive Pokemon, a starter, Dream World Pokemon or previous gen Pokemon, and those are pretty much guaranteed to be taken in a few hours to a day, sometimes in less than in hour in my case.
No, Zorua and Zoroark are not Legendaries. However they should be since the only way to get them is through a fateful encounter event from trading the Shiny Legendary dogs and Celebi over to Black or White.
Well, the only way you can get celebi is to trade with a friend who has one
The only way you can get a Zorua without the necessary event Pokémon required in order to unlock it in-game aside from using an Action Replay is by trading with someone else for a Zorua.
The only way you can get a Zorua without the necessary event Pokémon required in order to unlock it in-game aside from using an Action Replay is by trading with someone else for a Zorua.
There is no possible way at the moment except by using the Event Shiny legendary dogs to get Zoroark and breed it.
One way to find Zorua is to have the Event Celebi from GameStop. If you have it. If you do, use the Relocator in Castelia City. (Password: Everyone Happy Simple Connection). Zorua is the boy on the 1st floor of the GameFreak. Have Celebi in your party when you talk to him then you can battle and capture Zorua. Another way is if you have any of the three Shiny Legendary Beast of Johto (again, from an event) and have captured Zoroark, you can breed Zoroark (PokéShift a Ditto if it's male) and have a Zorua Egg.
Zorua is obtainable by transferring your special Gamestop event Celebi to your White. In Castelia City, there's a boy that does not speak. Speak to him with Celebi in your party to start the event and get your Zorua. If you did not get your special Celebi during Gamestop's event, there is no current way to obtain Zorua. But it is not legendary so you can breed it. Because of this there will be many people at the GTS willing to trade one.
To get Zorua, there was an event at gamestop where you could get a free Celebi on every DS Pokemon game you have but the way to get him is have Celebi in your party and go to Castelia city. Then you find the house with a person next to a Zorua and if you have Celebi in your perty, he will join you. Zorua will then evolve into Zoroark at level 30.
The only way to catch Zorua in Pokemon Black or White is to have it traded by someone else (Zorua can be bred). You may also get it as a future event Pokemon.
There are a few ways to get Zorua. Two of the ways are by event, and the other is by GTS. The first and most direct way, is to have the Event Gamestop Celebi. You transfer it into Pokemon White or Black, and it will activate an event, in one of the buildings of Castelia City, the particular building where the girl shows you the picture of Zorua. The next way is to have the event shiny legendary beasts. Transfer them into Pokemon Black or White and battle and catch Zoroark at Lostlorn Forest. Breed it to get Zorua. The last way is to get Zorua at GTS. This is probably the easiest way, as Zoroark and Zorua are breedable, and there's tons on the GTS. An easy way to get them is to first talk to the girl with the picture in Castelia City, and then put up a version exclusive Pokemon, a starter, Dream World Pokemon or previous gen Pokemon, and those are pretty much guaranteed to be taken in a few hours to a day, sometimes in less than in hour in my case.
No, Zorua and Zoroark are not Legendaries. However they should be since the only way to get them is through a fateful encounter event from trading the Shiny Legendary dogs and Celebi over to Black or White.
There's really no way to. If you don't have the event pokemon on one of your older games, the event is basically unaccessable. If you are trying to catch Zoroark, an alternate method is to go to the building in Castelia City with the 2 characters; a girl and a quiet boy, where you can be shown a picture of Zorua, allowing you to then obtain a Zorua from GTS. Then evolve it at level 30. I hope this helped! :D
No, you can only get a Zorua in Pokemon black and white. he only way to get it in Pokemon black and white is getting the celebi event either from gamestop or the Pokemon black and whit tour.