Minecraft does not charge you to run a server for the game. You will, however, have to posses a computer to be the server. Otherwise you will have to rent a server to run for you, which costs money.
It does not cost anything to get a minecraft server. You simply download the Minecraft_server.exe from the minecraft website download page. Then, you run it to make your own server.
Port forward it.
You do not need to own Minecraft to host servers for it.
you have to wait until Notch comes into your server, which is very hard when Notch is working in his office. I saw captain sparklez in a server before.
its not run on a "server" multiplayer is but you download minecraft and it runs on your system.
Minecraft does not charge you to run a server for the game. You will, however, have to posses a computer to be the server. Otherwise you will have to rent a server to run for you, which costs money.
It does not cost anything to get a minecraft server. You simply download the Minecraft_server.exe from the minecraft website download page. Then, you run it to make your own server.
On the Minecraft download page, you can download a Vanilla (standard) Minecraft server for Windows, Mac, and (I think) Linux.
It was a very popular server at the time which started the rumour by posting fake videos on Youtube, claiming it was the representation of Notch's dead brother. Which angered Notch because he does not have a brother, dead or alive, which he made clear in a Twitter post. Notch warned the server to stop the hoax and false rumours before he terminated their Minecraft membership and blacklisted their server. from the Minecraft world. The server closed down shortly after Notch's warning, so the name was forgotten.
It does not cost anything to get a minecraft server. You simply download the Minecraft_server.exe from the minecraft website download page. Then, you run it to make your own server.
Download, portforward, and run it.
Port forward it.
Notch is no longer in charge of Minecraft :(
You do not need to own Minecraft to host servers for it.