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No not on a phone but you can on the internet Google it.

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Q: Is there an app that you can make texture packs on?
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Related questions

Why wont your texture packs work?

Your texture packs may not work because you are using the incorrect version, so you will need to apply a patch to make them work.

Where do you download texture packs for Minecraft?

Scroll down and click on "Texture packs."

How much does minecraft texture packs cost for PC?

Texture packs are absolutly free, just search minecraft texture packs, and you can download one.

How do you get Minecraft texture packs on a laptop?

find the texture pack you want then download it and put it in the texture packs folder that it shows you on the textures packs screen on minecraft.

Can you use texture packs on minecraft demo?

i think it depends on the what texture pack you get for it

What minecraft texture packs will work with more creeps and weirdos?

What? No, texture packs only affect mood and color.

How do you download texture packs on a cracked sever?

It doesn't matter whether or not you're on a cracked server. You press "Texture packs" on the main menu, press "Open Texture packs" and then drag the texture pack file to the document window that pops up.

Where can you download texture packs for Minecraft?

There are various sites that provide texture packs. Please see the related links for the sites.

Wheres hogwarts in the minecraft texture packs?

you have to find and download texture packs to use them.... there is only 1 included with the game.

How do you apply texture packs on Minecraft 1.5?

At the title screen or in-game click OPTIONS, then TEXTURE PACKS, OPEN TEXTURE PACK FOLDER. Put the Texture Pack zip file here.

What are texture packs in Minecraft?

Texture packs are downloadable files that change the appearance of the game. In minecraft it can change everything from the appearance of the blocks to the mobs and sometimes the default player skin.

How do you get texture packs for Minecraft?

If You Want To Get Texture Packs For Minecraft, You Can Search A Texture Pack In Google And Download The Texture Pack File And Press Your Start Button On The Screen, And Search Or Press 'Run' For Some Computers And Look For '%appdata%' And Go To .Minecraft And Go To Texture Packs And Put Your File In There. Then Open Minecraft And Appear!