This is pokesav generated. Tell me if it works or doesn't!
94000130 FCFF0000
B2101D40 00000000
E000454C 00000028
0F111209 200D1415
0304010C 08051C02
0A0B0607 101F1D16
170E211E 191A1B13
00000018 00000000
D2000000 00000000
The game tells you to blow onto the Touch Screen, but try blowing into the mic for best results. Do the same with the Leaf traps.
u can biuld a sercret base anywhere in the underground as long u get a drill from a guy who sale traps
There are many types of mousetraps, some more humane than others. There are spring-loaded traps, glue strip traps, live-catch traps, bucket traps and electric traps.
You need to talk to a miner guy under ground. You need to find one with traps. Trade him the orb he wants or bigger for the digger drill! Then pick a spot on the wall where you want your base and use the digger drill trap. ENJOY!!!
Just gotta keep using traps. Even though for all the other exams he says something when you do it right, he doesn't for this one and you just have to keep using traps. He'll stop the duel when you used enough traps
d4098098990879 47790drf66878666789fyf6985pohjshort and easy
If you have an action replay get the code for all traps and use the digger drill on to a wall and then youll find a hole in front of you and that's your secret base! If you don't have anyaction replay, you can dig spheres and trade it for a trap called digger drill and do the same thing i told you!
Since you can't bring items or money try using an action replay or get lucky Here are the Rules -pokemon can't be recruited -can't bring money and items -enter alone -can't use your IQ abiltes -traps can't be spotted -can't be rescued And it has 99 Floors so Good Luck =)
you can not
94000130 FCFF0000 B21C4D28 00000000 B0000004 00000000 E000451C 00000028 1B1A1918 210E1713 1D1F101E 060B0A16 1C080507 04010302 140D200C 12110F15 00000009 00000000 D2000000 00000000 Press L+R. (every time you press the traps will refill in your bag)
You can get fossils, stones, shards, Plates, gems for trading to get decorations and traps
Some people underground, they look like hikers, will sell you traps or goods for spheres, or they want to buy them.
no code
It is someone who sells traps underground.
you click on the trap and press set
Go to to learn about Traps.
The game tells you to blow onto the Touch Screen, but try blowing into the mic for best results. Do the same with the Leaf traps.