Just gotta keep using traps. Even though for all the other exams he says something when you do it right, he doesn't for this one and you just have to keep using traps. He'll stop the duel when you used enough traps
I believe you have to be ranked at least Superior Duelist: win 50 duels and 50 timed duels (you can do them by going to your room and scrolling to the right until you see Timed Duels) You can also be promoted to Obelisk Blue through an event: Be ranked Average Duelist: win 10 duels and pass an exam Duel and beat Chazz at least 10 times You'll duel Chazz on the weekdays where if you win you will automatically promoted to Obelisk Blue until the next exam. Note: if you get to Obelisk Blue this way and you do not fit the requirements of Superior Duelist, then the next time you pass the exam you won't be able to go to Obelisk Blue until you are ranked Superior Duelist.
Tonometry exam
well i do not know but i thing look for more duel people to register and get a spirt and go to the class room the a new exam well start and you can BATTLE NOW cool is it and you do not get a prannet to battle then the next school day chazz is a level 3 now and hard very hard and battle him .hope this help
the room where all the creatures are in (classroom) you hav 2 sit an exam in there 2 be able 2 unlock the safety first shield emote
mid term exam
Yes, throughout the series the creator has been dropping hints about Alexis' feelings for Jaden. Jaden made a good impression with her on his entrance exam to get into duel academy, by beating Dr. Crowler and later on gained more of Alexis' affection by beating her and Chazz in a duel.
Study hardxd
chelo siete
if i buy cooking academy dose it have a free play version or dose it just end when when you finish the dessert exam
I believe you have to be ranked at least Superior Duelist: win 50 duels and 50 timed duels (you can do them by going to your room and scrolling to the right until you see Timed Duels) You can also be promoted to Obelisk Blue through an event: Be ranked Average Duelist: win 10 duels and pass an exam Duel and beat Chazz at least 10 times You'll duel Chazz on the weekdays where if you win you will automatically promoted to Obelisk Blue until the next exam. Note: if you get to Obelisk Blue this way and you do not fit the requirements of Superior Duelist, then the next time you pass the exam you won't be able to go to Obelisk Blue until you are ranked Superior Duelist.
September 26,2009
What is shell fish
Pass the exam and present the cash, then you will be taken.
You really didn't figure iy out
The police academy
Every last Sunday of October.
result of the entrance exam 2014