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Q: Is there a word that starts with d that means 100 centuries?
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What means 100 watts and starts with k?

If you're fishing for the answer "kilowatt",that word means '1,000 watts'.

How long are 2 centuries?

Century as a word is derived from the latin "centi" which simply means "a hundred", so two centuries are two periods of 100 years, hence 200 years.

How many centuries is 930 years?

If a century is 100 years, and you want to know how many are in 930, simply divide by 100. The answer is 9.3

How do you spell centuries?

That is the correct spelling of the plural noun "centuries" (century=100 years).

What is 90 centuries in years?

the prefix cent- means a hundred, just like mill- means a thousand. so in a century there are 100 years, just as in a millennium there are 1000 years. in 90 centuries that's 90 x 100 = 9000 years

How many years are in 7 centuries?

A century equals 100 consecutive years. That means: 7 centuries equal 700 consecutive years.

1 year equal how many centuries?

A century technically refers to 100 years. It comes from the Latin word centum, which means 100. However, astronomical year numbering includes a "0". So if you refer to, for example, the 18th Century, you are speaking about years 1700 to 1799.

What geometry word starts with c?

centagan: 100-gon

Which cent word means 100 years old?

A century means 100 years.

How many centuries is 400 years?

400 years is equal to 4 centuries. There are 100 years in a century. 400 years=_____century =( 400 / 100 )century =4 century Note: / means divide

What word means 100 years?

A century = 100 years

Year in a century?

100 Root of the word is Cent which means 100