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Q: How many words can you get from the word precipitation and what are they?
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Related questions

Are there any suffixes in the word precipitation?

Yes, the suffix in the word "precipitation" is "-tion".

How many syllables are in the word precipitation?

There are five syllables. Pre-cip-i-ta-tion.

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What word starts with the letter s and is a word that describes precipitation?

Showers describe precipitation. It begins with the letter s.

What is another word for precipitation?

Well think of the water cycle song: Evaporation, Condensation, Precipitation to the ground, there the words for the water cycle and it goes on round and round. And I learned that song from my 4th grade teacher.

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Is precipitation a climate or weather word?

Precipitation has to do with weather, or in another sense, it has to do with chemistry.

How do you spell percipitaion?

The word is spelled precipitation. When rain falls it is called precipitation.

What part of speech is precipitation?

The word precipitous is an adjective. It means to be steep.

How many words can you get from the word caught and what are they?

The words that I can get from the word 'caught' are:aactahataughtcatchatchugcutguthahaghathughuttagthugtugughUtah

What is another word for rain?


What is the synonym of the word precipitation?
