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No there is not a system to dial in the PS3 and the speed would be too slow. You also can not use the USB port to connect a dongle or something because it was not designed to allow an internet connection through the USB port. Only WiFi and ethernet will allow an internet connection on the PS3

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Q: Is there a way to use dial up on a PS3?
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Can you use a dial-up connection to use Internet or play online multiplayer on a PS3?

No they PS3 does not have a system to connect a phone cord it is an ethernet plug in back and also besides dial up being too slow the PS3 can not dial up

How can you get online with the PS3 Dial-up to connect to game severs?

PS3 does not do Dial up connection

How do you get online with PS3 using dailup?

You do not get online will dial up for the PS3. First it could not dial the number, second the speed of dial up would be too slow, third the PS3 does not have the ability to have a phone line connected. The jack that looks like a phone jack in the back of a PS3 is for the ethernet cable.

How many computers can you use at a time with the net-zero hi speed dial-up?

i would not use dial up ps i would change to dsl or cable dial up is way to slow

You connected your PS3 to dial up using a wired connectionon and it connects to the internet and it finds the IP address and it allows you to surf the web on your PS3 but it wont let you connect to ne?

"you can not use dial up for a ps3 you need windstream or something like that"This answer is actually incorrect, you CAN connect to the internet with PS3 and dialup. Even without a router. You won't be able to do much on it, but you should at least be able to log in and do some very minor downloading (such as a song for a music game). link is the easiest way. Again though, don't expect to be able to play anything multiplayer, dialup just does not have the bandwidth for it.

In Grand Theft Auto 4 for PS3 how can you use the mobile?

Press up on the directional, then... X for menu O to exit Down/up on directional to dial a number

What kind of internet do you need for Playstation 3?

You can have any internet for the ps3, although I'm not sure about dial up. If you have nonwireless internet, you will just have to hook up your ps3 to the internet.

What is the use of a dial up system?

It is a system where a computer can use the phone lines to dial up to the internet

Do they make dial-up laptops any more?

they make USB dial up modems that you can use

Does your PS3 have to be connected to the PC to be online?

Answer no of course not. you don't even have to know what a PC is to connect a PS3 to the internet and it is connected to the modem or router no it can be plugged in to the phone line PS3 can not be connected to the internet with dial up WIRELESS INTERNET

Does Wi-Fi use a dial-up connection?

Yes, WiFi can use a dial-up connection. Many older WiFi base stations have a built-in modem to allow you to share a dial-up connection wirelessly.

Can you use dial-up with an iBook?

The G3 and G4 iBooks had a built in modem which can connect to a dial-up service.