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No sadly, that feature was added in the second generation games, i.e. Gold, Silver and Crystal. Yellow, red and blue, you have to sit them out.

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Q: Is there a way to speed up the credits in Pokemon Yellow?
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How do you skip the credits on Pokemon emerald?

You can't skip the credits but you can speed them up by holding the B button however after your hall of fame is showed your game will save you can turn the game off and completely skip the credits that way.

Can you skip the credits on Pokemon white?

The only way you skip the credits is to set it on the floor and skip over it.

Where do you get mankey in Pokemon Yellow?

You get mankey in Pokemon yellow by going to the grass on the way to the Pokemon league. It is going to be from level 3 to 5.

Where will you find Rayquaza in Pokemon battle arena?

the only way is to use credits.

What is an easy way to win a Pokemon battle in Pokemon yellow?

try not sucking at Pokemon

How do you get money in pokefarm?

Money, on Pokefarm, is called Credits, by the way. There are various ways to get Credits. The simplest way, in my opinion, is to simply "click" (or interact) other farmers' Pokemon and eggs. You get 2-3 credits for interacting one Pokemon/egg, but if you interact with yourself, you get 1 credit. Another way is to go to the Shop, and click Sell Items. If you have any items you don't need, you can sell them. It well tell you how many credits you get if you sell it. "K" means a thousand, so if it's 40k, then it's 40,000 credits. In the forums, you can also sell Pokemon for some credits. I also believe that if you adopt Pokemon (and eggs, maybe), that you will obtain credits, also.

Sceptile in Pokemon yellow's safari?

no way!!! there are no sceptile in Pokemon yellows safari

How do you get the Snorlax out of the way in Pokemon Yellow?

You get the pokeflute first.

Whats the best way to train your Pokemon in Pokemon yellow?

elite four again and again.worked for me

Is there a way that you can get Eevee as your starter Pokemon on Pokemon Yellow?

nah there isnt, butu get him later on in the game

Where to find missingNo in Pokemon Yellow?

Same way as in red and blu

Where do you get a fire stone in Pokemon gold?

i think the only way is trade from Pokemon red, blue or yellow