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Q: Is there a way to earn money in Pokemon Yellow without the Vs Seeker?
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Is there a glitch Pokemon you can get in Pokemon Platinum?

yes, you can use the VS seeker to get infinite money and exp, just keep using the vs seeker and battling people for infinite money and exp too!

In Pokemon platinum what is the easiest way to make money?

you should fight the rich people and use the vs seeker on them over and over note: vs seeker needs to be charged by walking

How do you leave the Pokemon Mansion -Pokemon Yellow- without dig or an escape rope?

hahahahahaha i had the same problem! i just let the Pokemon there kill me and im back to the Pokemon center although you do lose money... Hope this helps!

How do you get a lot of money in pokemon firered?

Use your Vs. Seeker to find trainers that give a lot of money, and keep battling them over and over. Use an Amulet Coin as well.

How do you get more money in Pokemon fire red once you have beaten the trainers?

get (vs seeker),get the vs seeker in vermillion city Pokemon center talk to the girl get meowth in the city with the game corner lv it up so it learns payday and get amulet coin put amulet coin on meowth find trainer and use payday on his or her Pokemon you will get a butt full of cash

How to get max cash in Pokemon Platinum?

you can get easy money by using vs seeker near the old people near the mansion. you can get more money if the Pokemon you used to beat them is holding an amulet coin. or you can beat the elite four over and over with a Pokemon hold Amy coin i do tht but i do have 400 lvl 100 Pokemon

Where to get Abra on Pokemon Yellow?

You have to get enough money in the Game place to buy him with credits.

How do you get money without battling a Pokemon trainer?

The only other way to get money in the Pokemon games outside of defeating Trainers in Pokemon Battles is by selling items.

Where can you make money in FireRed?

my easiest way is to take the vs seeker (from the girl at the P.C. in vermillion) and battle the bird trainers east of fushia city with an electric type. also put an amulet coin on that Pokemon for double money

How do you get unlimited money on Pokemon pearl without an action replay?

You can't.

How much money could you sell Pokemon Yellow version for?

12.50 used £50-£150 new

How do you make more money on Pokemon diamond?

go under ground and sell treasures after you beat the elite 4 train your Pokemon to level 100 and do it again and again use the versus seeker on the rich couple at the trophy garden GOOD LUCK!!!!! :)