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To get rich quick, you can go to 5 Island, go north through the Water Labrynth, then east to an island with a house on it. Battle the lady on the eastern side of the island, who has 2 grass pokemon. If you win and use the Amulet Coin, you will get $20,000 for every win (use the vs. Seeker a lot). But besides using cheats, there is no way to instantly get unlimited ca$h :/
You must get a GameShark and search the internet for codes. There are no codes without the gameshark

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Q: How do you get unlimited money in Pokemon LeafGreen?
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Unlimited money on Pokemon LeafGreen?

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How do you get unlimited Rare Candies in Pokemon LeafGreen?

it is impossible to get unlimited rare candy's with out action replay for game boy advance spgo to

How do you get unlimited rare candies on pokemon leafgreen?

there is a specific/special action replay coming out for that game in 2012 i believe...

How do you get money in Pokemon LeafGreen?

Simply defeat another trainer.

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Can you trade Pokemon LeafGreen with Pokemon LeafGreen?

Yes you can trade leafgreen version Pokemon to another leafgreen version.

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Action replay codes.

How do you get unlimited masterballs in Pokemon LeafGreen?

By using a cheat code. TOTALLY against the cheat codes. The name of the code is I believe a game shark.

How do you get a elactabuzz in Pokemon LeafGreen?

Not in Pokemon leafgreen only in Pokemon Firered never ever in Pokemon leafgreen And in Pokemon firered it is rare in power plant not available in Pokemon leafgreen?

How do you get unlimited rare candies for Pokemon LeafGreen?

get 2 Pokemon put them in the day care centre but get the 1 Pokemon to hold rare candy or masterball when the egg hatches hopefully it will be holding the copied item